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Cluster Headache
Diagnostic criteria by IHS
A: At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D
B: Severe or very severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital and/or temporal pain lasting15-180 minutes if untreated
C: Headache is accompanied by at least one of the following:
- ipsilateral conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation
- ipsilateral nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhoea
- ipsilateral eyelid oedema
- ipsilateral forehead and facial sweating
- ipsilateral miosis and/or ptosis
- a sense of restlessness or agitation
D: Attacks have a frequency from one every other day to 8 per day
E: Not attributed to another disorder
Anamnesis (duration, used drugs, social anamnesis)
Examination (clinical report of the cranial nerves, cervical spine, teeth- condition, blood pressure)
Characterization of headache (throbbing, electrical, sharp)
Localisation (occipital, bilateral, unilateral, frontal)
Temporary appearance (how often?, how long lasting?)
Trigger (menstruation, wine, cheese, sleep, sport, sex)
Headache questionary by Essen
Calender for headache
Excluding of other diagnosis (blood pressure, MRT of the head, blood sample)