You are here: Home » Diagnosis » Pain » Headache » Migrain
Diagnostic criteria by IHS
A: At least 5 attacks fulfilling criteria B-D
B: Kopfschmerzattacken, die (unbehandelt oder erfolglos behandelt) 4-72 Stunden anhalten
C: Headache has at least two of the following characteristics:
- unilateral location
- pulsating quality
- moderate or severe pain intensity
- aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity (eg, walking or climbing stairs)
D: During headache at least one of the following:
- nausea and/or vomiting
- photophobia and phonophobia8 ährend des Kopfschmerzes besteht
E: Not attributed to another disorder
Anamnesis (duration, used drugs, social anamnesis)
Examination (clinical report of the cranial nerves, cervical spine, teeth- condition, blood pressure)
Characterization of headache (throbbing, electrical, sharp)
Lokalisation (occipital, halbseitig, Stirn, beidseits)
occurance (duration, how often )
Trigger (menstruation, wine, cheese, sleep, sport, sex)
Headache questionary by Essen
Calender for headache
Excluding of other diagnosis (blood pressure, MRT of the head, blood sample)
typical triggers:
-Changes in the daily lifes rhythm
-No coffee (eg. on weekends)
-Weather change
-Red wine (drinks)
-Cheese (food)
The Headache is the icepeak of Migraine, nowadays it is considered as a more general state of hypersensibility against stimuli.
Leitlinie: Migräne in der Schwangerschaft
Leitlinie: Therapie der Migräne