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Our brain is a powerful problem-solving machine that has optimally adapted to the changing environment over millions of years. It is flexible, fast and intuitive.
The solutions that were still correct in the days of the Neanderthals are no longer today. But prehistoric times make up 99% of the brain’s development time, and our environment today is very new. So it happens that old reflexes last into modern times. It is no coincidence that it is mainly men who are interested in football (tribal community in tribal garbage competes with another tribe when huntin
And even in our own development, solutions that once made sense in childhood survive, but today prevent us from living a self-determined life.
The brain will only memorize things that have meaning. That is why perception is so important. Without these, things cannot become meaningful and cannot be learned.
Problems can arise when holding onto old structures. A good example is muscle tension. We pull our shoulders up when we are stressed; another old reflex that wants to protect our most sensitive area, the throat. When a striated muscle is permanently contracted, there is pain that everyone knows who has once hit a nail overhead. This muscle type is not made for holding work. (That is why it is usually a mistake to build up the "muscular corset" to support the body.) If you take the principles that lead to tension at the workplace to the gym (a lot helps a lot ... if not me then ... ... I will show it to them ..) Who is surprised if the desired success does not materialize?
Changes are often not exhausting. Our brain loves ease and fun.
What are emotions good for?
We can assume that in the history of mankind everything at some point had a meaning. So feelings were introduced because they brought us an advantage.
Only you give meaning to things and moments. And only when things become meaningful does our brain learn. Why should the brain memorize insignificant.
Intuition enables incomparably fast action in highly visible situations. The feelings guide us.
von Hermann Hesse
How every blossom fades
and every youth gives way to old age,
blooms every stage of life,
every wisdom and virtue blooms too
in their time and must not last forever.
It must be the heart with every call to life
be ready to say goodbye and start again
to be brave and without grief
in to give new bonds.
And there is a magic in every beginning,
that protects us and that helps us to live.
We should walk through room after room,
cling to none like a home,
the world spirit does not want to bind us and narrow,
he wants to raise us step by step, widen it!
We are hardly at home in a life circle
and familiarized with it,
so looming!
Only those who are ready to leave and travel
like to paralyze paralyzing habits.
It may also be the hour of death
send us new rooms young:
Life's call to us will never end.
Well then, heart, say goodbye and healthy!
Der Tod geht uns nichts an
Auszug aus einem BRIEF AN MENOIKEUS
Epikur (342-270v.Chr.)
Those who are young should not hesitate to philosophize, and those who are old should not tire of philosophizing. Because nobody is too early or too late to take care of the health of the soul. Whoever claims that it is not yet time to philosophize or that time has passed is like someone who claims that the time for bliss is not yet there or is no longer there. That is why the young man and the old man should philosophize, one so that he remains young in old age through the joy of the past, the other so that he is young and old at the same time because of the fearlessness of the future. So we have to take care of what happiness creates: if it is there we have everything, but if it is not there we do everything to have it. What I have always warned you to do and take care of it and understand it as elements of the good life.
Get used to the idea that death is none of our business. Because all good and bad are based on perception. But death is the loss of perception. That is why the right insight that death is none of our business makes life's mortality enjoyable by not giving us an unlimited amount of time, but taking away our longing for immortality. Because in life there is nothing terrible for anyone who realizes that there is nothing terrible in non-life. That is why he is simple-minded who says that he does not fear death because it will hurt when it is there, but because it hurts now when one is expected. Because what doesn't bother us when it's really there can only cause useless pain if you only expect it.
So the most horrible evil, death, is none of our business; because as long as we exist, death is not there, and when death is there, we no longer exist. So he does not concern the living nor the dead; because the one does not concern and the others no longer exist. The crowd, of course, sometimes flees death as the worst of the evils, now it seeks it as a rest from the evils in life. The wise, however, neither rejects life nor fears non-life. Because life does not bother him, nor does he think that non-life is an evil. Just as he doesn't just prefer the largest amount of food, but the most tasty, he won't try to enjoy as long as possible, but as pleasant as possible.
If you know a solution, please let me know. Please note that your idea may be patentable!
Arsenic in drinking water.
In Bengal drinking water is poisoned with arsenic, one speaks of the greatest mass poisoning since time immemorial.
We are looking for a method to distill water with the simplest means or to remove arsenic. The method must be simple and low maintenance. Good building materials are PET bottles, organic waste, sun.